My gong has 2 ears can I use these with it?
Yes, you can use 1 or 2 hangers if you don't want to use the second ear. For
steel targets 10" and larger with high-powered rifles use 2 as the twisting forces on the tabs up top
can be extreme.
Can I hang torsos with hardbar AR500 steel target hangers?
Works great with our AC zone (12x24) torsos with holes near the shoulders.
To see how that looks watch the overview video above.
How should I hang this?
We recommend using one of our EMT Target Stands. It allows the target to dissipate all of its energy by spinning all the way around the target stand.
stand Our target stand is also collapsible so it's super easy to transport your AR500 Steel shooting target and your target stand.
We use grade 8 bolts and a lock nut. We use grade 8 bolts because this way if you hit the bolt instead of the shooting target the bolt will be able to withstand the shot.
It's not as strong as the shooting target but it is able to take a few hits, unlike standard hardware.
Can I Use This With A T Post?
No you can't use this hanger with a t post. The hardbar hanger is for our EMT targets stands.
But we do have a t post section with a few different t post options. A t post is an easy option because you can leave the t posts in the ground even at public ranges. (Most people won't shoot at your t post if you take your targets with you)
Why use AR500 Steel?
We like to use AR500 steel for our hangers because we don't want to give people AR500 steel targets that won't need to be replace but then they need new hangers all the time.
So the only way we found to stop people from buying hangers all the time is making our hangers just as strong as our AR500 steel targets.