Reverse Know Your Limits Target 🎯
REVIEWS ARE STARTING TO COME IN, [and they 're great!]
Downloadable Speed-N-Greed Score Card
Don't want to pay for our premium colored scorecards?
No problem, download them here
and print them yourself.
✅Opens with any PDF reader (most devices have this)
✅ Use 8.5x11 printer paper (gloss card stock preferred)
✅ Can't open a PDF? get a JPG here (then right click+ save)
✅ Use a plain sheet of paper if you aren't keeping score

Wow! Mark! I took 10 scorecards with Greedy out to club!
To try out and see how members reacted….
O holy sh…. The guys and gals went nuts! Ordered whole new hanger and target today!
And a couple of reams of card stock paper and cartridges for the printer!!!Bet you can’t guess what next month shoot is .. 😍Thanks again for AWESOME targets
Jim Speed-N-Greed Customer