AdjustaTube FAQ

If you have a question that is not answered below please send it
I'll add it here so everyone can benefit.
YES, UV stabilizers in the urethane ensure it will remain strong and pliable for many years to come.
NO, Hard urethane material maintains 100% strength to from -40F to 176F without issue.
NO, Includes easy to tighten wingnuts and the bolts are held captive in the body and will not turn during tightening.
MAYBE, In the unlikely event you do hit an AdjustaTube it may well survive a hit or two before failure. Worst case you can always buy a single replacement from us at a reasonable cost should that happen.
YES, We sell EMT CONDUIT , However you can also buy 1/2" 3/4" or 1" EMT conduit at any big box hardware like Lowes or Home Depot.
DEPENDS, Rarely will customers have a need for legs over 4ft in length so if you want easy transport 2 lengths around 2ft in length would be a good starting point for most shooters. (see use video for more info)
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