Steel Target Selection

Steel targets may cost more upfront than paper targets, but they are a
lifetime investment in your shooting skills.
When you choose our AR500 steel targets, you're securing durable, long-lasting tools to elevate your shooting proficiency
Here’s why:
Steel targets ring and move when hit, giving instant feedback.
Shooting steel is far more engaging than paper.
Experts say steel improves shooting skills faster than paper.
Steel Target Thickness Chart
Steel | AR500 | AR500 | AR600 | AR500 | AR500 | AR500 |
Target Thickness | 3/16" | 1/4" | 5/16" | 3/8" | 1/2" | 5/8" |
Max Bullet Energy (at target) | 300 ft lbs | 700 ft lbs | 1750 ft lbs | 2100 ft lbs | 4000 ft lbs | 8000 ft lbs |
Max Bullet Speed (at target) | 2850 fps | 2850 fps | 2850 fps | 2850 fps | 2850 fps | 2850 fps |
Zinc Plated | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Laser Cut | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Bead Blasted | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Typical Use | 22lr/Air<300fpe | Pistol<700fpe | Rifle/Pistol<1750fpe | Rifle<2100fpe | Rifle<4000fpe | Rifle<8000fpe |
Golden Rules
Never use ammo with steel in or on it
Bullet speed BELOW 2850 fps at target
Use proper target thickness
Hang with downward angle if possible
Use ball ammo if possible
Hollow & soft point is harder on targets
Use safety glasses shooting steel
Never use ammo with steel in or on it
Bullet speed must be BELOW 2850 fps at the target to avoid pitting
Use targets thick enough to withstand the energy of your ammo (use table above)
Mount targets on angle when possible for safer lead deflection and longer target life
Shoot ball ammo when possible, soft point or hollow point ammo is harder on targets
Always wear safety glasses when shooting steel
No, an AR15 with 55g ammo and a 16" barrel reaches speeds around or above 2850 fps (where pitting will happen) at 100 yards. This will be faster still (and cause more damage) with a longer barrel.
Shoot from farther away or use heavier, slower ammo. An extra 25 yds can greatly lessen damage to the target.
If this is not possible, at 100 yards, pitting with 5.56 55gammo and 16" barrel (or shorter) will be minimal and should not be a safety issue.
For safe use with pistols at close range, keep one side of the target smooth and flip it when needed.
*Every heat of steel varies in hardness, (this is unavoidable) because of this one target may pit at a lower speed than another.
This is not an exact science where all targets will pit at 2850fps and not at 2849fps. If you're seeing pitting back up or use heavier (slower) ammo.
Follow the golden rules above and your AR500 steel targets will last a lifetime.
Abrasion resistant steel plate can withstand high impact stresses and extremely low temperatures but it is not indestructible if you don't follow the golden rules.
YES, pitting has nothing to do with thickness. Pitting happens due to the intense heat underneath the bullet strike zone. Occasionally, "edge chipping" can occur with rounds faster than 2000fps that hit on the very edges of the targets.
Rapid expansion and contraction caused by heat can lead to pitting. Thicker targets may actually pit more as they are heavier and less likely to move out of the way when hit.
Proper target mounting can reduce this effect and is safer for the shooter. Whenever possible we angle targets towards the ground
for safer lead deflection and less heat put into the targets.
The AR500 rating is why our targets can take bullets with so much speed. A 3/8 AR500 rating will pit the same as a 3/16 if the bullet is moving too fast (most armor piercing rounds), but the 3/8" can take more force (heavy bullets).
Choose the Right Target
Buy the largest and thinnest target suitable for your ammunition. A 4"x5/8" gong won’t give much sound with a .22.
AR600, AR500, and AR400 steel are much louder than standard steel targets due to their hardness and superior resonance, even with pistol rounds.
Click to watch a 16" gong ring like a church bell from a .22LR round in our customer gallery!

Edge Chipping: Why It Happens
Cause: Edge chipping on AR500 targets is normal with bullet speeds over 2,000 fps. The harder the steel and the higher the velocity, the more likely it occurs.
Flat Faces: Targets handle speeds up to 2,850 fps with minimal surface marks.
Why Edges Chip:
No material supports the edges.
Heat from laser cutting hardens the edges.
Is It Dangerous?
No. Chips don’t cause craters, so they can’t redirect lead dangerously. At over 2,000 fps, bullets vaporize upon impact, leaving no significant debris.
What Can You Do?
High Velocity: Nothing prevents edge chipping at speeds over 2,000 fps.
Target Size: Larger gongs (e.g., 30") get fewer edge strikes than smaller ones.
Longevity: Flip targets over if edge chipping becomes an issue—it typically doesn’t reach the opposite side. Targets still last for years.