Author: Webster, D. W. / Starnes, M. Date: 2000 Publication: Pediatrics Topics: Accidents/ Unintentional, Age Group, Legislation and Policy, Storage Keywords: Child access prevention laws, unintentional firearms deaths The aim of this study is to reassess whether child access prevention (CAP) laws, which hold adults criminally liable for unsafe firearm storage is associated with a decrease in unintentional firearm death.
Author: Grossman, David C. / Mueller, Beth A. / Riedy, Christine / Dowd, M. Denise / Villaveces, Andres / Prodzinski, Janice / Nakagawara, Jon / Howard, John / Thiersch, Norman / Harruff, Richard Date: 2005 Publication: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association Link to Published Abstract Topics: Accidents/Unintentional, Age Group, Storage, Suicide Keywords: ACCIDENTS -- Prevention, CHILDREN -- Mortality, Ownership, SUICIDAL behavior, U.S. states Data from incidents in which a child or adolescent younger than 20 years gained access to a firearm and shot himself/herself intentionally or unintentionally or shot another individual unintentionally.
Author: Miller, Matthew / Azrael, Deborah / Hemenway, David / Vriniotis, Mary Date: 2005 Publication: Accident Analysis & Prevention Link to Published Abstract Topics: Accidents/Unintentional, Storage, Surveillance/Data Collection, U.S./National Keywords: CITIES & towns, Children, Household firearms, Mortality, Storage Data on household firearm prevalence and storage practices by state from the 2002 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were analyzed along with unintentional firearm death counts and population.
Author: Connor, Susan M. Date: 2005 Publication: Pediatrics Link to Published Abstract Topics: Age Group, Ownership, State, Storage, Urban/Rural Keywords: CHILDREN -- Wounds & injuries, FIREARMS accidents, HOUSEHOLDS, OHIO, Safety 522 responses to randomized telephone surveys of urban and rural households in northeast Ohio served as the basis for an examination of the influence of geography and presence of children younger than.
Author: Coyne-Beasley, Tamera / Runyan, Carol W. / Baccaglini, L. / Perkis, David / Johnson, R. M. Date: 2005 Publication: American Journal of Preventive Medicine Link to Published Abstract Topics: Age Group, Storage Keywords: HAZARDOUS substances, OLDER people, Weapons From March through June 2002, 637 adults living in a household in which at least one child less than 6 years old lived or visited at least once a year were surveyed about their poisonous substances and.
Author: Hunter, W. M. / Helou, S. / Saluja, G. / Runyan, C. W. / Coyne-Beasley, T. Date: 2005 Publication: Pediatrics Link to Published Abstract Topics: Age Group, Education/Counseling, Storage, Surveillance/Data Collection Keywords: Child, Injury, Literature, PREVENTION, Parents The authors reviewed 46 top selling parenting books on health and/or safety published between 1984 and 2003. Of books geared toward parents of younger children, none of the top 10 messages related to.
Author: Okoro, C. A. / Nelson, D. E. / Mercy, J. A. / Balluz, L. S. / Crosby, A. E. / Mokdad, A. H. Date: 2005 Publication: Pediatrics Link to Published Abstract Topics: Age Group, Storage, Surveillance/Data Collection, U.S./National Keywords: Adults, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Children, Household firearms, Storage Data from the 2002 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were analyzed in order to examine the prevalence of household firearms and firearm-storages practices in the U.S. The data were also used.
Author: Baxley, F. / Miller, M. Date: 2006 Publication: Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med Link to Published Abstract Topics: Age Group, Ownership, Storage Keywords: Adolescent, Alabama, Child, Child Behavior, Child, Preschool The authors surveyed 314 parents and their children at a family practice clinic in rural Alabama. Of the 201 homes that contained guns, 39% of parents who reported that their children did not know them.
Author: Johnson, R. M. / Miller, M. / Vriniotis, M. / Azrael, D. / Hemenway, D. Date: 2006 Publication: Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med Link to Published Abstract Topics: Age Group, Storage, U.S./National Keywords: Adolescent, Adult, Child, Data Collection, Female The authors used data from the National Firearms Study 2004, a telephone study of 392 adults in the U.S., in an examination of firearm storage practices in households with adolescents only (aged 13-17.
Author: Shain, B. N. Date: 2007 Publication: Pediatrics Topics: Age Group, Ownership, Storage, Suicide Keywords: Adolescent, Treatment This report updates the previous statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics on suicide prevention among adolescents and is intended to assist the pediatrician in the identification and management.
Author: DuRant, R. H. / Barkin, S. / Craig, J. A. / Weiley, V. A. / Ip, E. H. / Wasserman, R. C. Date: 2007 Publication: Pediatrics Topics: Age Group, Ownership, Storage Keywords: Adolescent, Behavior, Child The authors surveyed 3745 parents of children aged 2 to 11 years who went to pediatric offices for well-child examinations in 45 states, Canada and Puerto Rico. They found that 23% of families reported.